Parkland Community Soccer

Have you noticed the fields behind the hall full of children playing soccer?  Every year from the end of April to the end of June our program runs on Monday and Wednesday evenings for children aged 3 to 12. This community building program has enriched Parkland for over 15 years.  The season consists of a coaching workshop for all volunteer coaches prior to the season starting,  picture days where all players and teams get photos taken and the last night of soccer is “Wind up” which is a fun way of finishing up the season.  We cherish our community soccer program and hope to be able to continue to provide this enriching program for years to come.  We always look for new members to join our soccer committee to enhance our program even further! 

Registration for the 2025 Spring soccer program starts on February 15

TeamSnap Registration Link Click Here:

*If you don’t have a team snap account, you will need to create one.

Registration Fee: $95.00 per player

A current Parkland Community membership which can be purchased as part of the registration process on TeamSnap, is also required to register $25.00 (per family)

Below is the age grouping guide for registration purposes:

U4 (ages 2 & 3)

U6 (ages 4 & 5)

U8 (ages 6 & 7)

U10 (ages 8 & 9)

U12 (ages 10 & 11)

Key change from last year: U10 and U12 will not be combined due to feedback from last year.

Parkland Soccer is volunteer driven, so please consider volunteering as a co-coach if you can! Other volunteer positions will be available during the registration process.

Please note, Parkland Soccer does not have rain or shine games. Games will be called due to rain, extreme weather, or poor air quality by noon on game days.

Parkland Soccer is community focused. Our goal is to have fun, play soccer and build community. We are here to support and include kids at all levels of soccer. Let’s get out there and have some fun!

If you have any questions contact